Vitamin B12 Deficiency





If you have any questions or enquiries please feel free to contact us directly by email.

We are currently amassing data on the biochemistry (Organic Acids Tests) and genetics of people with vitamin B12 deficiency, including those with chronic fatigue syndrome and ASD. This data can be used to determine if there is some other metabolic abnormality that is contributing to the vitamin B12 deficiency that may need to be addressed in order to overcome the vitamin B12 deficiency.  If you or someone you know has such data and would like to help, we are more than willing to analyze the data for you. Similarly if you have a Hair Metals Analysis we can give you an opinion on the potential deficiency(ies).




Alternatively you can submit our on-line form.





Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved. 
The statements on this site compose a compendium of generally recognized signs of vitamin B12 deficiency, and problems that can then ensue They also are formulated from a summary of relevant scientific publications. In addition they may contain some forward looking statements of a general nature.
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